Precompiled Binaries

Installing GodotXterm using precompiled binaries means that you wont be required to use a C/C++ compiler to build the project from source. It is simply a matter of copying files to the correct location in your project. These files can be installed from several sources:

  1. TOC

Note: precompiled binaries will only work with certain versions of Godot (usually the current stable release). If you need binaries for a different or custom Godot version, or want to make modifications to the C/C++ code, please refer to the section on Building From Source.

Godot Asset Library

GodotXterm can be installed from the Godot Asset Library. See the Godot Asset Library documentation for more info on how to use it.

Gd-plug Plugin Manager

If you are using the gd-plug plugin manager you can add the following line to your file:

plug("lihop/godot-xterm-dist", {commit = "a1131a562e8e8f0c57b0ddf61de7fa015d463ba0", include = ["addons/godot_xterm"]})

Replace the commit hash with the hash of the GodotXterm version you wish to install. See tags for a list of versions and their corresponding commit hashes. See the gd-plug documentation for more info on how to use it.

Manual Installation

Alternatively, GodotXterm can be installed manually in two steps:

  1. Copy the addons/godot_xterm directory to the addons directory of your Godot project.
  2. Copy the GDNative binaries into addons/godot_xterm/native/bin directory.

The easiest way to obtain the GDNative binaries is to download them from the Releases page. Download the zip archive named and extract its contents into the /addons/godot_xterm/native/bin directory of your project. After this your addons/godot_xterm/native/bin directory should contain the following files:

  • libgodot-xterm.javascript.32.wasm
  • libgodot-xterm.osx.64.dylib

Debug builds are also available on the Releases page if required. Download and unzip instead of to the same location.